
At the age of nine, I knew I wanted to become an author. Afraid of what others thought about me or
what I had to say kept me from pursuing the dream. Ten years later, while in Bible School, I felt inspired
to write my first book. With a blank sheet of paper and a new pen, I wrote the outline for my first book,
“The Essentials: Discovering How to Develop Your Children’s Ministry.” Still afraid, I hid the outline and stopped the dream.
In 2012, during a difficult season of my life, I was again inspired to write. Sitting in front of my computer, the dream came alive day by day for several years. With a completed manuscript, I was ready
to become published.
Connecting with my mentor, Dr. Margo Bush, that led to
a dream becoming a reality: a published author.
Dreams are never too late to be accomplished. Fear doesn’t have to stop you from becoming obedient
to your desire to become an author. There is no better time than now to start writing.
On the other side of your obedience is the person waiting to respond to the message burning deep within you.

It is my desire to help encourage potential authors to go past the fear of writing and begin the journey
into writing.
I am still in awe of what happened 22 years ago on March 1, 1997. The moment you stepped into the sanctuary at Peace Lutheran Church in Greenview, Missouri the whole place turned to see the most beautiful woman, but I was the fortunate one who would get to see you every day for the rest of our lives. Still to this day your beauty captures my heart and attention.
Occupy With Purpose
The word “Occupy” caught my attention while scrolling through a social media post. As I began to research that word, this phrase rose up on the inside of me: “Occupy with Purpose.” I grabbed my handy digital Strong’s Concordance to find out what this word was all about. In Greek, it means to busy oneself with.
I Gave Up
”I gave up!” After months and months of trying I just couldn’t take it anymore. Sound familiar? I tried, really I did try. No one noticed. I am not really sure that no one cared. Then it resounded within me that something had to be done. What should I do with all of this information I had obtained? I was on overload and my mind felt like mush.
Follow Your Dreams
With confidence, I will say that at some time or another you’ve had a dream. The dream was impactful to you. Maybe that dream gave direction in your life or it helped you pursue an idea. I have found that dreams come and they go. However, they are the kind of dreams that you have had when you’re asleep.